Friday, August 19, 2016

     So, I haven't written in quite a while. Hhhmmm. It really is a shame. I have been so busy with life. Two kids more, finishing college. You know, stuff. Life is what you make it, I always say that but you know what? Man, she is a BITCH! I don't mean oh, things happen it will be ok. I mean this is like an ex-girlfriend who decided she is Satan's spawn ready to attack you at every next move. You ever notice how when you do the right thing you get shit on the most? I mean, birds just ate and you had just washed and waxed your car with the sun roof open kind of shit. The shit that is everywhere and it ain't coming out anytime soon. The birds will still be sitting there watching you cuss and scream and throw a fit kinda life? Yep. Happening as we speak.
     The thing is, life is SUCH a BITCH for some and not others. People say Karma is a BITCH. Well.... where the hell is SHE because this life Bitch needs a reality check! Hell, people in life need a damn reality check. People do not need to be bitches, life is already planned who/what is going to screw with our plans, it doesn't need help.
     I always try to stay and be positive in life. I always have a smile, try to figure out a solution. Try to fix things. People say, "Oh, you are so optimistic!" Lately, I have figured out a HUGE breakthrough. I mean HUGE! I am fronting a positive vibe/smile/laugh because it is seriously too damn depressing to think about the Satan's Spawn Bitch called life. Too depressing. Bitch is just eating away at you. Your mind is tired, your body is tired and your soul is just two steps away from getting on your knees and screaming to those up above "Take ME NOW!"
     What I have learned in my reality check these five years away is that this world is crazy and the people in it must be crazy because of the BITCH we call life. We as humans have made life about what we have, what we want, where we are going but not about what we can do for each other, what we can give back to the community, how we can change the gang and drug violence in our neighborhood. How can we lend a hand to help those who have been where we were or are there where we are now? BOOM. Right there. Let that sink in.
      When is the last time YOU thought about someone other than yourself? And not like, what the hell are they wearing, who wears that out in public, kind of thing. I mean truly thought about something that needed changed and got off your ass and did something about it?
       I'm waiting....

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